Sola Scriptura

Excerpt from a longer Reformation Sunday sermon, here

The gospel is transformational by the Holy Spirit.

And that tells me what my task as a preacher is – that I have to so open up the Bible that you see Christ there and apprehend his glory. And 2 Cor. says that when that happens there is going to be gospel transformation. That is what sermons and Bible messages and home groups are for. But it all depends on gazing on Christ and seeing his glory in the Word given us by the Holy Spirit.

No Bible, no revelation. No revelation, no glory. No glory, no transformation. Take the Bible away as the rule of faith, replace it with other things, and we cease to hear God speak. The glory dissipates and the power seeps out of our Christian lives. No knowledge of God, no power for victory over sin, no ethical response to the good news of Jesus, no transformation.